Tuesday 18 January 2011

Suuuper Meeaat Booooy! :D

I finally got round to buying Super Meat Boy. They told me the game was hard, I didn't listen. The videos SHOWED me the game was hard, I didn't listen. After all, it couldn't be that hard. How very naive of me.

This game is BALLS hard.

The point of the game is to save Meat Boy's girlfriend, Bandage Girl. She's constantly being kidnapped by the games antagonist, Dr. Fetus who apparently puts Meat Boy through countless gory deaths just because he has no friends.

There are no lives in this game. You die, the level at hand is reset. All progress within the level is lost, forcing you to complete each level in one take. On harder levels Meat Boy will die a lot, patience will wither and you will probably rage quit, time and time again. The only thing more likely to cause your fingers to bleed than a hard level, is the challenge of retrieving its level specific bandage. Bandages are used to unlock new characters each with their own powers, making your life a little easier but putting you through a lot of pain first.

It's not often I get stuck on the second section of a game. SMB has me struggling so soon though. The second boss, cutesy as he looks, is a soul-destroying invoker of frustration. This really isn't as easy as it looks:

Meet the cause of my agony, CHAD.

The greatest reward to mastering levels that hard? Going back to older levels and flying through. This game can provide amazing amounts of bragging rights, providing you don't give up first. Seeing the look on your friends face as you speed through boss levels in one take is hard to beat.

SMB may sound like a pain in the ass, it is, but that's how it's meant to be. Is it worth the (countless amounts of) blood, sweat and tears? Yes. Very much yes. It's a solid platformer with tight controls, plenty of humour value and a lovely graphical style. With more updates on the way, including a community friendly level editor, Super Meat Boy still has plenty more to offer than it already does.

Buy it, play it, love it and then hate it. Put your friends' skills to shame and then love it again. Definitely worth a look.

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