Friday 7 January 2011

They say revenge is best served cold, so it's useless to bother with these guys.

Funny thing happened the other night. I've been writing essays solid for a week, usually working until the early hours in the morning. Night before last I was in a world of my own, it was about 6 in the morning and something dragged me out of concentration. I could hear an ice cream 6 in the morning!? Anyway, a few hours passed, there were no more ice cream disturbances and I finished the essay. Before going to bed, I noticed a police van over the other side of the road. "Funny place to eat your breakfast.." I thought jokingly, "Maybe they're here for the early morning ice cream." Little did I know quite how right I was.

Turned out the ice cream van was a little more suspect than I had first thought. The house next door had been burgled at about 6 in the morning, hence the police van. Luckily the house next door is a day cay centre, so there was next to nothing to take. Still, it's weird to think you could be naively laughing about ice cream whilst a crime is happening only a few feet away.

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